The Curious Cat

Once upon a time, there was this cat. Yes, just a cat. But it was no ordinary cat. It was the keyboard cat. Unlike other cats, this curious one knew how to type. It looked up flash games, and other catastic stuff like that. Harmless, right? Well... You are deeply wrong, you fool.
You see, it learned about this website called Youtube, and heard people got famous on there. So, it would figure it would give it a try. After that, there was no turning back.
Suddenly, it was vacuumed inside the computer and then transformed into data. Wait, was that it? No, not at all. Later, it become so famous, it was the classic equivalent to Shrek. Please protect your
People thought this cat was just edited. But, wrong once again! It was ''god'', the ruler of the universe! How could it perform such a task! That's how everyone bowed down cats for their (obnoxious) behavior, and cats will soon go to space and do all that Star Wars sh*t!
But just so you know, curiosity kills the cat right? No, not cats, humans! SANIC.exe was discovered by some idiot named Tom or something like that!
So what's the moral of the story? Never surf on the other side of the internet or it would scar you for life. It would destroy your childhood. So if you are still reading this, destroy your computer now and let our lord EVIL PATRIXX save your soul.